Connecting With Spirit

Recently, as I visited one of my favorite coffee shops in town, I overheard a conversation between two young women. One of them seemed to be experiencing an emotional turmoil regarding life’s purpose and in particular, her life’s purpose. She further discussed how her mother regularly tells her that “the universe will take care of it” and that she did not know exactly what this meant. Shortly after, the two women began a beautiful heart-to-heart conversation. I smiled, picked up my Vanilla Latte and went on my solitary morning walk. I began thinking about life. Not just my life, but everyone’s life. The merging of us all. In both my personal and professional aspects of life, I have had the pleasure of coming in contact with wonderful people that have touched me in so many ways. We have laughed, we have cried, we have celebrated and said good-byes. We as humans go through a multitude of emotions, pains, illnesses. We suffer, we fall, a lot of us attempt to merely survive. None of us are better than another. We are all in search of one’s true life purpose and finding it is closer than where we may be looking for.

However, what exactly are we connected to? What is it or who is it that guides us and directs us? Why is it that sometimes that direction seems so ambiguous as if we were going directionless? What exactly is driving us to make the choices we make? Often times the places where life “puts us,” the people we encounter along our days, the circumstances in which we somehow “fall into” all seem to gently whisper a lot of these answers. All of our experiences seems to be nothing but a mirror to look into and observe our own inner world.

Life’s simplest moments are precious. Each moment of silence is such a wonderful opportunity for self-discovery. But in today’s society it is becoming more and more difficult to simply be. We spend our time focusing on the planning for tomorrow, our performance at work, our relationships with others, expectations of others, taking care of others, and maybe, taking care of our bodies. What about our connection to our Divine self? Are we setting aside time each day to deeply connect with ourselves? Much attention is being placed on our outer self and we are leaving behind our inner self as if these two were not connected. It is vital that we become mindfully and whole-heartedly aware of our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It is time to not only dedicate our lives attempting to beautify and heal our bodies but pay close attention to returning to our divine consciousness. This sacred connection, if accepted and embraced, allows us to get to know ourselves, to TRULY get to know ourselves. It allows us to discover our unique and authentic self. Our spiritual connectedness could take different forms for each of us but as long as it is one of love and respect and it resonates within us, then that is all we need.

There are countless ways of doing this, thus all we need is an open mind and the awareness of possibilities. Having energies that cannot directly be seen with our eyes does not diminish or negate their existence or importance. We’ve all experienced times of comfort and times of discomfort…we all know the difference and “Oh, what a difference!” And when we are in the discomforting part of our lives we typically reach out for support, we look for counsel. It is of great relief when we have a friend, a parent, a significant other, a teacher, or a professional to reach out to when needed. Yet, it also sacred when we learn to find comfort within ourselves. There is something about opening up and surrendering to whatever it is life is asking us to experience. Allow this to happen. Realize we not only connect with one another as individuals but with the ultimate ONE. This universal energy communicates with all and vibrates within our hearts. We are naturally guided to live our soul contract! Let us undo a lot of the false beliefs that we’ve accumulated throughout our lives and incorporate a new perspective. By doing this, we organically begin to live with much more harmony. We accept and respect others paths while accepting and honoring ours. Perhaps, this is partially what “the universe will take care of it” might mean for some of us.