Fall Season: Letting Go

Humanity is currently undergoing a major transition phase. Collectively we are realigning with the new frequency of Earth. Everything that has been happening across the world has invited us to wake up in many ways. Many of us have made powerful changes in ourselves and in our lives. In fact, these changes have been so profound that we may still be in a state of perplexity trying to internally rebalance ourselves.

Others may be feeling an inner expansion taking place; dreams are more vivid, intuition is heightened, and a portal opens for renewed creativity and new exciting ideas. Whatever it is that we may be currently experiencing, this Autumnal Equinox is a perfect time to look back and reflect; feel the gratitude in all that we have lived, feel peace within ourselves, and celebrate how far we’ve come.

This year we will have the Autumnal Equinox (first day of Fall) on Sunday September 22nd. It is indeed a special day where day and night will be the same length. This reminds us on the importance of balance. Life itself is a dance of polar opposite energies. We have night and day, hot and cold, life and death, light and shadow, and so forth. When we learn to balance and integrate these polarities in ourselves and into our lives we begin to see powerful transformations take place. When we learn to join the dance of these everlasting dualities, our lives begin to take on a whole new path; one with less resistance and more receptivity, one with less control and more freedom, all leading us to living with more peace.

As we enter Autumn, temperatures begin to decrease, we witness the beautiful transformations take place in nature, and we are invited to go inwards. It is during this time of the year that the leaves of the trees begin to change; their color and vibrancy are in a state of transition from robust green to shades of orange, red, yellow, and brown. What once seemed to be part of the trees now slowly starts to fall. We look up and the fullness of these trees seems to be gone. Instead of its blossoms we now see bare branches and find all of its dry leaves on the ground. At plain view this may look as if these trees are dying but this process is only preparing for a new life to take place. Soon enough the trees will blossom again.

If we take the moment to reflect on this natural cycle, we will feel that what is happening around us is also happening within us. Since ancient times, each season of the year has been connected with human life cycles. This is no surprise given that we are all composed of energy! All of us together go through these different cycles to renew, balance, and transform. If we only pay attention to this, we can truly experience the powerful gift Mother Nature has for us. Living in accordance to each season, we learn to connect with ourselves and with life in a much more organic way. This in turn allows us to naturally flow instead of going against the ever-changing currents of life. 


Fall season is all about change, letting go, and surrendering to the unknown. It is a time where we naturally seek comfort, warmth, and introspective moments. Nature here offers us to quiet down and reflect. Often times this can bring nostalgic memories from our past. We may remember what we once had and what we’ve let go of; people, situations, experiences, old image of ourselves. Feelings of abandonment, separation, loss, and sadness can come up and this may have us feeling isolated and disconnected from others and from life itself. Give yourself moments of silence, listen to the messages that come up, and remember that ultimately our connection to ourselves is the connection with the Divine.

Fall season is connected with our lungs (connection of air element with breath). Emotionally speaking, the lungs are collected with sorrow and grief. When we allow any type of emotion to resurface we are allowing it to flow instead of carrying it inside as repressed energy. When we allow our emotions to flow we allow this energy to transform. Suddenly, we may feel lighter, more open, & more connected to life.

Let us remember that the lungs bring oxygen into our bodies and removes carbon dioxide. This purifying energy is necessary to sustain life; it allows us to breathe and send nurturing energy to all of our being. Fall season therefore is a crucial time to take care of our lungs. As simple as becoming more aware of our daily breathing patterns is a start! Breathing properly sounds very simple but how many times in our day do we hold our breath or breathe shallowly. When we learn to become aware of our breath we also learn to navigate through the constant changes in our life.

We may also notice around this time what we need to let go of in our lives. We may come to an awareness to release or change a particular area in our lives. If change does not come easily for us, this may be a time when we most resist and hold on to what we deep inside know we must let go of. This in turn can create a lot restlessness, worry, and anxiety that circles back to increased sadness. If experienced for a prolonged time, this can truly affect our well-being. We must understand that when we resist to let go we are going against ourselves; our very own nature. Imagine the tree resisting to let go of its leaves!!

If you do experience this I invite you to simply come into the silence. Find your nearest river, sit under a tree with its falling leaves around you, take a walk in the forest, or “get lost” in whatever part of nature is closest to you. When truly connected and when coming with an open intention, nature itself will whisper a special message to you about your journey.


It is no coincidence that as the days get shorter and colder, we instinctively feel the need to go within, stay home, and cuddle up. These colder months of the year reminds us that we are not alone despite the isolation that we may sometimes. We are reminded that we are already loved, nurtured, and protected regardless of our external happenings. We sense that the darkness that is coming (Winter) is a much needed part of our cycle for renewal. We recognize that death doesn’t mean bad or devastating. Instead, we accept the invitation to surrender.

Death represents a new beginning. There is a powerful feeling that comes when we accept the unknown, the darkness. As we learn to embrace it, we naturally also invite light.

It is during this season that we recognize and feel grateful for all that we have lived, all the work we completed in the past seasons, and allow ourselves to rest, relax, and unwind. We connect with our higher selves and recognize how far we’ve come, how much we’ve matured along the way! We honor and feel grateful for our unfolding path. Hello spirit of Thanksgiving!

Affirmations for this season:

“I freely release anything in my life that is no longer serving my highest good”

“Today I trust my higher self and choose to flow in a new direction”

“I am so grateful for my evolving path that is realigning me to my essence”

“I welcome change effortlessly for it is through change that I create a new life!”

“I feel an overflowing sense of gratitude for all that I have planted, nurtured, and harvested during this year”


Jeanette Fernández