North Node, Uranus, & Mars in Taurus: The Push Towards Lasting Change

As we begin to say good bye to July 2022 we do so with an intense planetary shift that is here to shake us up for some major change. Given that we are all under the same umbrella; the same sky, this planetary movement will affect everyone collectively. This shift will require all of us to be present and conscious of our inner processes taking place. Only this way will we be able to channel this powerful force in a way that serves us in the best way possible.

The planetary shift that we are talking about is the stellium of the North Node of the Moon, Uranus, and Mars in the sign of Taurus. Now before we begin to experience a bout of vertigo here, let us dissect the above in order to understand and digest the significance of this event.

A stellium in astrology is when three or more planets come together in very close proximity to one another. Why is this important? Planets in astrology represent structures of our mind. Each planet carries a very unique energy or psychological function that connects with us and thereby affects us. Mercury for example, the planet of communication, deals with our communication style, how we receive and share information, etc.

When three or more planets come together (in a stellium) we have three powerful energies/psychological functions fusing together to awaken and expand our consciousness in new ways. In this way, astrology can be seen as a beautiful ancient combination of psychology and metaphysics.

Up in the solar system there is constant planetary movement taking place. Each of the planets is currently in a particular zodiac sign at any given time. This zodiac sign gives a particular flavor so to speak to each of the psychological functions inherent in each planet. With time the zodiac sign that each planet is in changes as the planets continuously move. When these planets come to a sensitive trigger point in our birth chart we feel it in every fiber of our being. Life experiences, situations, circumstances, lessons happen for us to learn and grow. The more we understand the significance behind these lessons, the more we are able to grasp the opportunity for immense growth.

Now that we have understood the very basic functions of planets let us move on to the next part.

Astrologically speaking, the North Node of the Moon (aka Node of Destiny) represents the path that our soul is currently moving towards. The North Node functions almost as a divine intention that prompts us to create change. We will notice that wherever the North Node is currently transiting (visiting) in our personal birth chart, we are feeling the internal itch to do precisely that; create lasting change!

On July 31st, 2022 we have the planet Uranus joining the North Node of the Moon. Uranus is the planet of freedom, authenticity, the breaking free of our old conditioning that often gets in the way of our advancement. Uranus doesn’t ask for change but rather demands change.

Uranus energy is known to be erratic, unexpected, dramatic. It is after all the planet of change but change that is often felt very electrifying and unexpected. Its effect in us pushes us to eliminate barriers of self-expression. Its energy can break the debilitating internal patterns of “I’m not good enough, I can’t do this, This is not possible”. With Uranus and the North Node being in such close proximity to one another we are being divinely pushed to do something completely new. This something new will likely be something that completely changes our destiny moving forward. This will likely also come along with the breaking of old patterns, especially those that we’ve absorbed from our past experiences with family, society, and/or past lives.

If this wasn’t enough, we then have Mars joining the North Node and Uranus on August 1st, 2022. Mars is the planet of action and destruction. Mars has been known as the God of War for its fiery nature and fire does not allow for contemplation; it simply acts NOW. This action or movement often propelled in us by transiting Mars can have us move in the appropriate direction that we know we are meant to move towards. This is the reason why around this time we can feel a sense of urgency or restlessness. Something within us in changing, moving, shifting, wanting to act differently. If we connect with ourselves and with our true heartfelt desires, we can connect with this energy and allow it to guide us as we begin taking the necessary steps to initiate this major change!

But this is not always the case. We can often times choose unconsciously to act in not so constructive ways, which is another manifestation of Mars. Pointless arguments, internalized anger, accidents, and even violence are very common when the volume of these energies is high. Given that Uranus is right next to Mars, Mars is receiving an extra electrical charge to have us move.

With this mix of planets/energies in the sky we may experience irritability, a sense that things are happening without having much control, a feeling that something in us is changing so fast. We may also come to feel ready for a big leap! It may feel as if we receive immediate insights coming our way “out of nowhere” that reveal to us what we needed in order to move forward. If you are already feeling a sense of “This is the time, I am ready to do this, Here I go” what you are feeling is your inner Uranus and Mars. These are helping you direct your future (North Node) in a new better way. Many times when these particular planets are involved we still get the push with or without our “full consent”. It is as if these planets know that we will thank them later.

Keep in mind that while we will all likely feel these energies some people will feel the intensity of them more than the average. Why? Because we each have our unique birth chart! Each of these planets navigate through our charts differently, activating us in unique ways. It is therefore imperative to get in touch with ourselves and connect. Otherwise, the not so good side of these energies can arise.

Before we finish let us briefly discuss the zodiac sign that all of these planets are in; Taurus. Taurus is an Earth element and it is all about stability, self-resourcefulness, abundance, the manifestations of the material world, and our physical body. For many of us, our dramatic changes will likely involve these Taurean themes. Keep in mind that Taurus is also a fixed sign meaning it has the essence of stability and comfort. This astrological alignment is inviting us to create major changes that bring about new results in these areas of our lives. With time we will notice that making this happen will naturally lead us to a new sense of a stability.

This is a perfect time to reconnect with your body (posture, body awareness, breathing techniques, grounding exercises, reconnecting with nature). This is also a perfect time to create practical strategies for financial freedom, clearing out debts, and reconnecting with our true sense of abundance; the richness of enjoying the present moment! Issues of self-worth, self-value, re-claiming your unique gifts that you offer to the world have a Taurus signature as well. Lastly, if you are called to begin anything new know that you are being guided with the perseverance that will be necessary. Anything that has manifested onto the material plane first had a creative process involved. This unity of birthing something into being requires utmost commitment, consistency, discipline, and love if we are to wish for lasting effects.

On the other hand fixed energy can also be resistant to change. This is why individuals with a lot of Taurus energy can be known as sometimes being “stubborn”. What does this tell us? That this major change will likely come with some needed internal effort. It will likely not feel natural to us and therefore will not all be easy. However with the unwavering persistence and patience that Taurus essence brings we will be creating a new foundation; one that we will soon be fixed on continuing and not give up on. One that with time will also become stable and secure. In this way, we use this same fixed “stubborn” energy but now in a new direction; not to resist the old, but to create the new.

What in your life can no longer remain the same? Where do you truly want to create lasting change? What in your current external life is “pressing you” to create change? All the universe is sending you signals about this. Be present, be aware, and be silent enough to listen.

Welcome to the unfamiliar and to the unknown. Let us all meet there, in the next step of our evolutionary ladder.

With much love,

Jeanette Fernández

Note: It is important to know what astrological house this stellium will be in for you. For some this will be in the their relationship sector. For others, career, and so on.

Precise Dates: North Node and Uranus strongest connection starts today, July 24th and on July 31th these two will join on the exact degree. Then on August 1st Mars joins them. The strongest energy will be from July 31st to August 2nd. Don’t forget to add the approximate 10 days before and 10 days after on these dates. With major forces like these, we often feel them well in advance and well after their exact conjunction. Remember that while the energies will be felt strongest during these dates, its effects will ripple as we move forward in the months and years ahead.

1 thought on “North Node, Uranus, & Mars in Taurus: The Push Towards Lasting Change”

  1. Sharon R McGill

    Thanks for your insights, it explains a lot if what I am experiencing. I have felts stuck and very emotional. Cuídate. Un abrazo fuerte

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