Rebirth: The Calling of a New Era

We as humans just like everything else in nature, live by cycles. Life itself is movement. Life is constant change. Even the material world around us which we may not consider to be alive continually moves, continually changes. Everyone and everything is composed of energy and energy never ceases, never stops, but merely transforms.

We readily observe the obvious outer cycles and changes that occur while we develop and mature, for example from baby to child, child to adolescence, and adolescence onto adulthood. But we continue to change beyond these apparent physical phases. We continue to evolve with our connected internal cycles. Like the ever-changing phases of the enchanting Moon, we too have the innate opportunity to renew ourselves in our cyclic journeys. Just like a beautiful flower opens its petals, we too unfold. We too begin to blossom. 

I decided to name today’s blog Rebirth because this is definitely the spirit of this year, 2020. Entering this year, we have come to the ending of one era, one cycle, and the very beginning of a new one. But in order for something to be reborn, it must first die. As mentioned at the beginning, energy never ceases, it never dies. Death is nothing but transformation. This year and this new decade is calling us to do just that. Transform.

Like any birthing process however, there is likely to be labor pains to endure. Whenever we are birthing a new baby, a new project, a new business, a new idea, new structures etc all must pass through some form of discomfort before a new life emerges. This new life initially will seem so unfamiliar at first yet as we adapt, we begin to not only accept it but begin to fully enjoy it. From the darkness, we find light. From the uncertainty we gain clarity. From the chaos, we appreciate peace. You may ask yourself around this time, What part of me needs to “die” so that a renewed me can fully flow? When we least expect it, like anything new birthed, it will slowly find its way onto full expression. A lot sooner than later we will begin to feel and witness the Age of Aquarius fully birthed. The truth for humanity is being felt more vividly than ever before.

For those astrologically inclined, we see and feel the changes that are happening within us as the planets Nodes of the Moon come to a complete shift to invite us into this new era. This indicates necessary changes for our continued evolution individually which will also create the ripple effect collectively. This new era is being born to change our state of consciousness. By expanding our state of consciousness we realize everything around us changes as everything around us transforms. The three powerful planets that are taking center stage on these changes include Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter. These planets prior cycles are coming to an end and are initiating a whole new cycle that will continue well on for the next 40 years. These new cycles claim to change many of the foundations that we had including prior states of consciousness, ways of relating, societal structures, finances, all into a new paradigm shift. This shift will energetically permit us to notice the connection we have with one another, our environment, and of course, ourselves! The beauty behind this illumination is that we will all begin to feel the oneness in all. This will have us recognize that we are continuously giving birth consciously or unconsciously. Our thoughts and emotions is what creates the manifestation of our world. This is accepting and surrendering to the relationship we have with the Universe.

We’ve entered the new decade and each of us individually has already come face to face with many challenges. But challenges always exist to teach us something. Here, with an awareness that we are to experience our own rebirth, we recognize we need to break free from the past. Like the renewing feeling of Spring after a long enduring Winter, we too are awakening to new cultivation of inner strength, increased awareness, and a new level of consciousness. Eventually this new awakening will allow us to embark on a new life. A life that feels more congruent with who we really are. A life with a renewed sense of aliveness. So let’s allow ourselves to shed the different aspects that no longer serve us so that we cultivate a new seed from which we will nurture.

We must practice our patience and remember the need for relaxation and rest. It is never an easy ride to witness our own departure from our previous life but keep in mind and so close to your heart that precisely this departure is what is allowing our rebirth to take place. Like the flower buds prepping to blossom, we as humanity are preparing to come out and this time without any masks. This time without hiding our true self.