Soul-Nourish Sessions

Soul-Nourish Sessions

We have doctors that focus on the general well-being of the body. Others specialize in the wellness of the skin, teeth, and so on. This same way we have counselors for the soul. Counselors of the soul specialize in guiding others through the ever changing path of life. It is essential to feel supported during times of healing, rediscovery, and transformation. Life requires connection and nurturance which is often forgotten due to the busyness of our lives and our often unconscious state of living. The metamorphosis itself takes place within the individual but the guidance of the counselor is that gentle reminder that we all have an inner light, an inner compass that directs our way.

At times we may feel lost with all the noise and happenings in our external world that we lose touch with our true divine selves. We get lost in the doing and forget the being. Sometimes we feel the inner urge to change, to do things differently, to live more in tune with our inner truth, yet we may not know where to begin. Other times, we begin to change yet soon enough we find ourselves again back where we initially started. The attempt here is not merely to do talk therapy (this on its own rarely helps) but learn to become more conscious beings and transcend the false identity we have constructed. When we begin to incorporate a spiritual practice into our daily lives, we begin to remember our true state of being. 

I create personalized sessions with a focus on your personal unfoldment. Together, we focus on your individual path that involves diving into your inner world. We explore your desired changes and create a path for a new beginning. I support you in your transitional process and together find ways in which to rediscover the connection with yourself. I like to engage my client in his/her own life process because after all, they are the main character and creator! I guide you in navigating your prior “chapters” as well as your current ones and discover the often echoing resonance behind them. I don’t attempt to fix a person as I don’t see anyone as broken. As spiritual beings there is nothing to fix but merely remember. Through this, we develop self-awareness, live more consciously, & realign with our hearts calling.

Within a safe and healing-centered environment, I allow my client to simply be, self-heal, and feel empowered towards creating a new reality for their lives. This in turn offers my client confidence as he/she actively works on their desired changes and sees new results in their lives. Through this process, they develop a sense of self integrity and experience an incredible amount of personal growth. I absolutely enjoy working with those who are currently experiencing an inner drive to change and transform in any aspect of their lives. When we take the time to heal our wounds, all else comes effortlessly. Shifts begin to happen and this is often the most celebrated moment for both my client and myself.