Full Moon in Aquarius 2021: Feeling the Freedom to Be Yourself!

Center for the Healing Arts 19343 Highway 12, Sonoma, CA, United States

This Full Moon coming up on July 23rd or 24th (depending on where you are on planet Earth) is full of insights, inspiration, and transmutation of energies within us. As we remember the quote "As within, So without" we will noticeably experience external events in our lives that correlate with this inner shift taking place. […]


Witnessing Ourselves: The Power of Our Sun, Moon, & Rising Sign

Center for the Healing Arts 19343 Highway 12, Sonoma, CA, United States

Who am I? What am I truly here for? These are some of the existential questions we may ponder on in our life. Throughout our years life takes us on a spiritual journey to discover this; we meet people, we somehow "fall into" certain situations, circumstances, and life experiences that invite us to learn more […]


Embracing Endings: Eclipse Season 2021

Center for the Healing Arts 19343 Highway 12, Sonoma, CA, United States

As we come to the finish line of 2021, we look back and realize all that has changed within us and around us. Since 2020 all of us both collectively and individually have been experiencing a death of our old selves; our past beliefs, habits, self-image, relationships, work, and more. We are together changing and […]


Nodes of the Moon in Taurus/Scorpio 2022: A New Sense of Value

Center for the Healing Arts 19343 Highway 12, Sonoma, CA, United States

Each of us has felt the intense inner shift taking place this year, 2022. It is as if we are all letting go and entering another dimension. This shift has been inspirational, uplifting, expansive, and for some, even scary. Note that anything that takes us out of the known and into the unknown may be […]


Saturn & Pluto Retrograde 2022 : The Death of Our Old Structures

Center for the Healing Arts 19343 Highway 12, Sonoma, CA, United States

We've all heard of Mercury retrograde periods; communication tends to get disrupted, our technology can go haywire, and our sense of expression can feel challenging. Note that some Mercury retrogrades can feel stronger than others depending on the overall astrological weather but one thing for sure is that during these weeks we feel as if […]
